Swiss Envoy to Nigeria Lauds Yobe State Remarkable Progress in Education and Health

Switzerland ambassador Mr. Nicolas Lang, praised the efforts of the Yobe State government to revitalize the education sector as a key step towards the state’s recovery from the insurgency. He said that education is the foundation of development and progress for any society, and that the Swiss government is committed to supporting the northeast states of Borno, Adamawa, and Yobe in their quest for peace and stability.

The Swiss ambassador made these remarks when he received Governor Mai Mala Buni, who paid him a courtesy visit on Thursday in Abuja. The governor and the ambassador discussed the challenges and opportunities facing the state, as well as the areas of cooperation between the two governments.

Governor Buni informed the ambassador that his administration has prioritized the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the communities affected by the insurgency, and that all of them have been resettled, except for the Malundunari community, which is currently being worked on in partnership with a development agency. He also highlighted the achievements of his government in the education sector, such as the establishment of new schools, the recruitment of qualified teachers, the provision of learning materials, and the implementation of a free and compulsory education policy.

The governor expressed his gratitude to the Swiss government for its support and solidarity, and invited the ambassador to visit Yobe State to witness the transformation taking place. He said that the state is open for investment and collaboration in various sectors, especially agriculture, health, and tourism. The ambassador accepted the invitation and commended the governor for his visionary leadership and his dedication to the welfare of his people. He said that the Swiss government will continue to work with the state government to enhance the quality of education and to create opportunities for the youth. He also expressed his hope that the state will overcome the security challenges and achieve its full potential.

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