Trump Vows to Deport Millions of Illegals and Seal the Border if He Returns to Power

Donald Trump, the former US president, has issued a fiery statement on his Facebook page, promising to launch the largest deportation operation in history and to seal the border with Mexico if he wins the next election. He said he would work closely with the Governor of Texas, Abbott, and other border states to stop the invasion of illegal immigrants, who he said should not get comfortable in the US.

Trump, who is running for president again against Joe Biden and other rivals, accused Biden of betraying the country and allowing millions of illegals to enter the US. He said Biden was trying to sabotage the efforts of Texas and other states to protect their borders and their people.

He said Texas had rightfully invoked the Invasion Clause of the Constitution and deserved full support to repel the invasion. He said he would encourage all willing states to send their guards to Texas to help prevent and remove the illegals.

He said all Americans should back the commonsense measures by Texas authorities to safeguard the safety, security, and sovereignty of Texas and the US.

Trump, who was the only US president to be impeached twice, boasted that he had the most secure border in history when he was in office. He said he had imposed a travel ban on citizens from several Muslim-majority countries, diverted military funds to build a wall on the US-Mexico border, and implemented a policy of family separations for migrants detained at the border.

He was impeached by the House of Representatives for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress and was acquitted by the Senate in February 2020.

He was impeached again by the House in January 2021, for incitement of insurrection, and was acquitted by the Senate in February.

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