US troops killed by drone attack in Jordan named

On Sunday, three US troops were killed in a drone attack in Jordan. The US government has released the names of the fallen soldiers: Sgt William Jerome Rivers, 46, Specialist Kennedy Ladon Sanders, 24, and Specialist Breonna Alexandria Moffett, 23. They were killed when a drone hit their housing unit.

The US has blamed Iranian back groups for the attack and the Pentagon said it carried the “footprint” of Kataib Hezbollah.

However,Iran has denied supporting militant groups blamed for the strike.

CBS News reported that the drone used in the attack appeared to be Iranian-made. The official indicated it was a type of Shahed drone , which is a one way attack drone Iran has been providing to Russia.

The drone attack took place in Rukban, north-eastern Jordan, near the Syrian border. The base was later named by US officials as Tower 22. More the 40 military personnel were also injured.

Lt Gen Jody Daniels, Chief of Army Reserve and Commanding General US Army Reserve Command, paid tribute to the fallen soldiers. “On behalf of the Army Reserve, I share in the sorrow felt by their friends, family, and loved ones.


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