IPMAN reveals ongoing fuel scarcity may last for two more weeks

Independent Petroleum Marketers Association of Nigeria (IPMAN) has disclosed that the current fuel scarcity, which is affecting more states in Nigeria, is expected to persist for at least two more weeks.

Despite assurances from the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NPCL) that they have adequate stock of petroleum products, IPMANā€™s Public Relations Officer, Chinedu Ukadike, maintains that the product remains unavailable in the country.

Ukadike attributes the acute shortage to importation bottlenecks and the slow pace of marketersā€™ license renewal by the Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority (NMDPRA)

He said: ā€œThe situation is that there is no product. Once there is a lack of supply or inadequate supply, what you will see is scarcity and queues will emerge at filling stations.

ā€œOn the part of NNPCL, which is the sole supplier of petroleum products in Nigeria, they have attributed the challenge to logistics and vessel problems.

ā€œOnce there is a breach in the international supply chain, it will have an impact on domestic supply because we depend on imports. I also have it on good authority that most of the refineries in Europe are undergoing turnaround maintenance, so sourcing petroleum products has become a bit difficult.

ā€œNNPC Group CEO has assured us that there will be improvement in the supply chain because their vessels are arriving. Once that is done, normalcy will return. This is because once the 30-day supply sufficiency is disrupted, it takes two to three months to restore it.

ā€œWe expect that by next week or so, NNPC should be able to restore supply and with another week, normalcy should returnā€.

ā€œNNPC has said the marketers who have not been able to renew their licences will not be allowed to remain on their portal which has been shut for some time now. Because of this, we have not been able to request new products.

ā€œAt this nascent period of deregulation, you will discover that this leads to scarcity, even when the product arrives. As it is now, even by their data, out of 15,000 marketers that are on the portal with licences, only 1,050 renewed their licences.

ā€œThe requirement for renewal by NMDPRA is so much. Marketers are facing a hostile environment. NNPC placed a deadline of April 15, 2024, for marketers to renew their licences.

ā€œWe are, therefore, appealing to NNPC to extend this deadline and also to NMDPRA to hasten the release of licences of marketers who have completed their processes, and also reduce bottlenecks around licence renewalsā€.

According to Ukadike, only 1,050 out of 15,000 marketers have successfully renewed their licenses with the NMDPRA. The stringent requirements for renewal have posed challenges for marketers, leading to scarcity even when the product arrives. NNPC Group CEO has assured that improvements in the supply chain are underway, with vessels arriving soon.

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