Victor Thompson: From Struggle to Stardom, A Gospel Singer’s Astonishing Past

Victor Thompson, a renowned gospel singer, has opened up about his past, revealing that he resorted to selling weed and alcohol to make ends meet after losing both parents at the age of 12.

The singer, known for his hit ‘This Year’, shared these startling details about his early life during an intimate interview with well-known media personality, Chude Jideonwo.

Thompson recounted his days of hawking sachet water in the daylight hours and selling alcohol, weed, and cigarettes to sex workers at night. “I was juggling multiple jobs. During the day, I worked as a vulcanizer, a shoemaker, and a water hawker. But when night fell, I returned to my shop near a brothel to sell alcohol, weed, and cigarettes. Most of my customers were the prostitutes,” he shared.

He further revealed the hardships he faced after losing his parents between the ages of 12 and 14. “My father passed away first when I was around 10. After his death, my aunts evicted us from our home. We were homeless until a kind-hearted carpenter offered us a vacant piece of land to sleep on.

“The land was overgrown with bushes, so I would sneak my mother in at night. That’s how we lived for several years. Unfortunately, my mother couldn’t bear the hardship and she too passed away,” he added.

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