Paul Okoye reflects on Influencer impact on young girls

Singer Paul Okoye, also known as Rude Boy, recently expressed concern about the influence of materialistic online personalities on young girls. He highlighted how some ladies now believe it is the duty of men to fund their lifestyles.

Paul Okoye

He took to his Instagram story to express his fears about the situation. According to him, this mindset can lead to unintended consequences. Parents should be vigilant to ensure their children don’t fall victim to such negative influences. He said:

“As long as you continue to allow some of these id!ots to influence your daughters
Money, money, bill him, bill him, know your worth, know your worth,
He must have this and that in his account, blah blah blah!!
More girls will continue to fall victims.”

See the post below:


Saida Boj, a social media influencer and content creator, has faced backlash for her remarks on relationships and gender roles. During an appearance on the Honest Bunch podcast, she made statements that sparked outrage. For instance, she mentioned that a man would have to send her N500,000 within 24 hours of the “talking stage,” asserting that she deserved payment for being beautiful.

Saida Boj

Additionally, Saida Boj openly admitted to regretting her involvement with a married man in 2023, citing financial strain and moral dilemmas. She revealed that the relationship left her in a tough financial situation due to a lack of financial support from her married partner.

It’s essential for influencers to consider the impact of their words, especially when addressing young audiences.

Responsible communication can empower and uplift, while careless statements may perpetuate harmful stereotypes or unrealistic expectations.

As online personalities continue to shape perceptions, thoughtful dialogue and empathy are crucial in promoting healthy relationships and self-esteem among young people

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